Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hello and welcome to our blog. We'll start by introducing ourselves. Megan is a Registered Dietitian. She completed her undergraduate degree at Ohio University and her internship through East Carolina University. She currently works as an outpatient dietitian specializing in bariatric surgery and diabetes. Lindsay is currently a Dietetic Intern at East Carolina University where she also received her bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is orginally from Maryland.
We have been working together now for 3 months at a hospital in North Carolina. Since we both grew up in the north working here in the south has been a challenge to learn the Southern ways of cooking...fat back, ham hocks, biscuits, and fried chicken were not foods that we grew up eating. We quickly caught on and are using this to help our clients make better choices.

Speaking of better choices...our nutrition thought of the day: Nutritionally dense foods.
Today on our daily commute in Lindsay's car she was munching on some dried cherry granola cookies. Now, your first thought may be "A Dietitian eating cookies for breakfast?!?!" Well, think again. Although, they were in the shape of cookies, they actually had much to offer...nutritionally. These four cookies had 220 calories, 3g saturated fat, 12g unsaturated fats, and 8g fiber which makes these cookies nutrient dense and satisfying. Megan, on the other hand, ate Cheerios with light soy milk for breakfast which offered only 150 calories (1 cup cheerios and 1/2 cup soy milk) and 3g fiber. Needless to say guess which one of us ended up eating a 250 calorie snack at 10am? It was Megan!
The moral of this story is that although some foods might have more calories, they may be more satisying and help you keep your daily caloric intake under control. Essentially, Lindsay's food choice most likely offered her body more vitamins. Choosing more natural foods with high fiber have proven to be more satisfying... at least for us! (BTW...we are both similiar in weight and activity level)
Now we're off to lunch!

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