Friday, August 27, 2010

Better and Better

Friday's are looking better and better each week...
I mean, don'tcha think? When work rolls around Friday morning and the end will look like this...produce bliss; it definitely makes for a great day!

I even started the morning off on the right foot....well, on a bike to be exact ; ) I went to my first 5:45 am rpm class this AM. After 8 months of my gym membership, I have finally taken advantage of the before-work group fitness schedule. I wore my Polar Heart Rate Monitor [per usual] to track my progress and hard work...I walked out of class this morning and had already burned a sweaty 600 calories before 6:30am!
Now if that isn't something to be proud about...I don't know what is!

I haven't mentioned rpm in a blog in awhile however, I still do it about 4-5 times a week, to keep my cardiovascular and muscle endurance in check. But man did I used to mention it A here, or here, and here! You probably thought I was addicted or something ; )

So, back to the produce! Here's how I used some of the peaches...
Farm fresh peaches with whatever's on-hand:

  • Strawberries

  • Bananas

  • Apples

  • Splash of Agave Nectar

  • 1/2 Tbsp Vanilla Extract

  • Drizzle of Lemon Juice
Oh and that white eggplant!? I had never seen one; word on the street- their sweeter than their purple cousins! Stay tuned to see how it works out...

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